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Force Powers

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Everyone's force powers will start at level 1, and the levels go all the way up to 10.  This is a mastery system, so show how well one can perform the ability.  The higher the level, the longer you can use duration abilities, the more powerful they become, and the faster one can use the ability.  Also as an example if you have two force lightnings one is at level 2 and the other at level 3, the level 3 will over power the level 2.  If they are both the same level, then they will either explode on contact, or it is whoever can hold out the longest.  Whoever can hold out the longest in this circumstance is determined by both Midichlorian Count and Force Vitality.

Force Powers: Core Powers(both sides)
Telekenesis- the ability to lift objects and move them.
Force Push-push things away from you
Force Pull-bring things to you
Force Strike-destruction close rance force power similar to push, but much stronger
Force Jump- jump far and high distances with the force
Force Mindlink- communicate with others through the mind over
Force Speed-increases the users speed of body
Farsight-see all around the user
Psychometry-touch items to pick up information
Precognition-able to sense danger
Force Suppression-cancels force speed, and Aura
Cloak-bends light to make the user invisible to others for a period of time
Battlemind-increases fighting spirit
Force Resistance-small shield of energy for weak physical attacks
Energy Resistance-small shield of energy for weak energy attacks
Force Block- Cuts off target from the force for a short period of time
Beast Trick-distract creatures or control then at higher levels
Force Body- Drains users health to restore force power
Breath Control-hold breath for long periods of time
Force Stealth-hides force presence and physical for short time
Enhance Ability-increases users abilities slightly
Empathy-read thoughts amd emotions
Force Powers: Light Side
Force Heal- basic speeds healing for a short time, advanded heals the body to the extent of the users ability
Nuetralize Poison and Acid-does what it says it does
Revitalize-revives allies who died(strong force users, Master)
Force Aura-strengthens defenses
Force Barrier-weak shield to block weak attacks, and lessen strong ones
Protection-(Masters Only)Barrier to stop energy, force, and physical attacks
Dissipate Energy(Absorb)-disperse, absorb, reflect force energy
Force Light-(Masters Only)purifies someone from the dark side
Force Valor-increases physical and power, force powers, and calm thinking of user.  When over the user is left completely drained.
Animal Friendship-calm animals
Jedi Mind Trick-control the weak minded
Blinding-blurs enemy vision, or sometimes blinds
Statis Field-paralyzes nearby targets
Disable Droid-stuns, deactivates,or destroy droids  
Force Wave - A powerful force push that can be used with the ground to knock the enemy off their feet.
Force Repulse- Extremely advanced form of force wave- force energy thrown outward at high speed. Allies can avoid it by moving close to the user

Combustion- A Jedi can use this power to make something explode at will.


Force Protection – protects. can be used to absorb energy.


Malacia - foe is incapacitated with nausea and dizziness.


Force Defend - user is surrounded by a protective bubble for a short time.


Force Orb - Moisture is sucked out of the ground and air to make a strong ball of water to be thrown at an opponent. especially strong underwater.

Force Powers: Dark Side
Force Choke- chokes enemy
Crush-advanced form of choke that can crush numerous things
Force Lightning-shoots bolts of lightning
Chain Lightning-advanced, multiple bursts of lightning
Rage-increased speed, power, strength,fierceness and force powers of the user, when over user is completely exhausted
Insanity-causes fear, dought, and in some cases insanity
Force Throw- Hurls objects at enemy
Drain- drains targets health to heal the user
Plague-poisons target
Destruction- explosive energy
Deadly Sight-causes damage with just the sight of their target
Force Storm- creates a massive number of lightning bolts
Mind Control- Sith form of Mind trick, but is slightly stronger
Thought Bomb- Destroys force users within a close range at best, but hurts them badly most of the time. Pulls enemgy in close to a bomb of force energy.
Force Scream- Destructive sound wave
Life Creation-brings someone back to life(High Force user of the Sith Master level)
Force Flamethrower-the ability to shoot fire using the force.
Dark Force -(Masters Only)purifies someone from the light side
Dark Posession - Allows user to completely take over other's body for a period of time (time extends as user gets more powerful)

Dark Wave - Sends a wave of Dark Energy all around the user but within a certain distance, it harms followers of the Light Side and makes the user aware of their location if they are hit by it (distance increases)

Taint - If a powerful user of the Dark Side is in an area of the light side (Jedi Enclave) and uses this the area becomes Tainted with the Dark Side and weakens Light Side followers that go in that area and empowers Dark Side users (more to the Dark Side)

Black Warp - The user fabricates a Black Hole so that their opponent gets transported to a certain area of the user's choice or gets ripped apart in the Maw

Dark Force Elements - Causes the opponent to suffer from all of the elements earth wind water fire and ice (can cause death)

Force Wormhole - the dark side creates a wormhole from the size of a small starship to whole fleets, which will tear things into nothingness when used, especially against whole fleets.


Dark Orb - releases energy that can burn the foe severly, even kill them. very hard to master.


Deadly Sight - a dark Jedi releases their hatred with just a glance. can be used against many.


Drain Knowledge - a type of interrogation technique.


Spear of Midnight Black - used to make an invisible spear, which is thrown and can kill a foe.


Electromagnetic Torpedo - a torpedo of poison that will kill any and all life.


Sith Alchemy - Dark Jedi use the Force to mutate animals.


Torture by Chagrin - used to make a foe relive their worst memories..


Mechu-deru - infuses dark side energy into mechanical objects.

Force Powers: Other
Mirichro- Causes the target to go into suspended animation(high level only)
Electric Judgment- Thought to be a Light Side version of Force Lightning
Hibernation Trance- Slows the bodys functions down for up to four days without have to eat or drink.
Force Meld- Allows two force users to combine their mind and force abilities together yet remain seperate.
Force Illusion- create illusions of the users wishes.
Dark Side Blast- Powerful blast of dark side energy
Dark Side Bind- rings of electric energy that bind your opponent
Force Teleport- begin can only teleport within a few miles, advanced can teleport from planet to planet with the ability to sense a force sensative on the planet to get the location.
Force Portal- bends the time and space to rip a hole to anywhere in the galaxy (high levels only)
Force Copy- uses the force to make copies of the user that are completely physical, they all share the same mind, and when defeated disappear.
Force Whirlwind- uses the force to create a small tornado
Force Earthquake- uses the force to shake and change the ground to the users will, but is limited to range.
Force Shockwave -  An extremely powerful 360 degree mid range force push that can do much damage, or even cushion a large fall to survive.
Force Vortex - Using the force it is stronger than the light sides Disipate Energy.  It can absorb one force power or blaster fire into a small hole that opens over their palm.  The user can only hold one force power or blaster fire in the hole at a time.  When the hole absorbs the blast, it closes.  Then at the will of the user they can release the attack back at the enemy.
Force Fireball - creates a ball of fire using the force.
Force Fire Tornado - (must have at least one fire force power and wind force tornado) creates a firey tornado that is controlled by the creator.
Force Water Orb - A force power that takes the water and condences it to the side of an orb that can pierce through armor at times.
Force Healing Water - When around water the user can take the energy from the water to bring up their stamina, not actually heal the body.

Art of the Small- Jedi or Sith can shrink, even to a molecular size, to modify things.


Force Whipser- a sort of force persuade that always worked.


Comprehend Speech- Jedi can understand, but not necessarily speak, a language.


Force Bellow- Amplifies a Jedi’s voice- right below force scream


Force Flash- Almost disable droid- but for security cameras. allows the Jedi to pass unseen.


Sever Force- One cuts themselves (or is cut off) from the force. they cannot be sensed through the force through this.


Force Deflection- deflection of blaster bolts without the use of a lightsaber.


Spirit Transference- One transfers their spirit from one body to another


Force Flight - used to go through the air from one place to another


Rancor Hybrid - a transformation that is known only by those Sith who are from Exocron.  It doubles Midichlorian Count, power, and force powers.


Encase - Is a force move that can freeze an opponent in a block of ice leaving them in a cryogenit state.

If I am missing any force powers let me know, or if you wish to make one up come up with what side is it, Core, Light, Dark, Other.  Then tell what it does.  If it is approved it will then be added to the list.  Thank you.